Saturday, 24 August 2013

Pink Stars are falling!

I’m writing this a little late, having seen the show at the beginning of the week, but I wanted some time to let this show sink in and to have a think about it.

I remember when the Stephen King book Under the Dome first came out, picking it up in a bookshop and thinking I’d have to get it when it came out in paperback. I never did but I think I will now since the concept is so fascinating. And I do enjoy seeing the differences between TV shows and the books they're based on. 

I actually first heard about the series because some colleagues were discussing it. My boss saw a taped copy, passed it onto someone else and they ended up enthusiastically discussing it over lunch several times. When I saw C5 was airing it, even though I'm not usually a fan of their output, I thought I'd give it a go.

It's definitely a show I'll be sticking with. I wasn't as instantly "OMG this is fantastic" as my colleagues, but hearing them chat about the first episode had spoiled a couple of the big setpiece moments so I was waiting for the cow chopped in half, the concertinaed truck and the exploding pacemaker. But it's still intreguing. I can already see that there's going to be a lot of interpersonal conflict that could lead to interesting places. And it looks like it will be quite dark. Junior Rennie and his dad "Big" Jim seem to be people to watch. And what will happen to the spark between Julia and Barbie when she finds out what he was doing pre-titles.

It was a bit gorer than I was expecting. They showed a lot more blood and nastiness, but I suppose you'd expect a few nasty injuries if I giant invisible dome suddenly dropped over a town. And they have to create some major excitement in the pilot to keep people coming back from the pilot.

And "the pink stars are falling. The pink stars are falling in lines". Stated by two characters I'm pretty sure have never met. What does that mean?

I guess I'll stay tuned to find out.

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